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Wei Zhao

Research Assistant

I have been working as software engineer for many years. I am interested in data science, machine learning, AI and software development. Now I am working in the project CityLabs.




Chiesa, M. ; Maltoni, Fabio ; Mantani, Luca ; Mele, B. ; Piccinini, F. ; Zhao, Wei. Measuring the quartic Higgs self-coupling at a multi-TeV muon collider in Journal of High Energy Physics



Locke, Adam E. ; Kahali, Bratati ; Berndt, Sonja I. ; Justice, Anne E. ; Pers, Tune H. ; Day, Felix R. ; Powell, Corey ; Vedantam, Sailaja ; Buchkovich, Martin L. ; Yang, Jian ; et al. Genetic studies of body mass index yield new insights for obesity biology in Nature : international weekly journal of science