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Sébastien Lugan

Senior researcher

Sébastien Lugan graduated his master's degree at ESIEE (École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en Électronique et Électrotechnique) and graduated DEA at Gaspard-Monge institute of electronics and computer science of Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEM), and of a PhD in engineering sciences from École Polytechnique de Louvain, Université catholique de Louvain (UCL). Since 2003, he joined the Image and Signal Processing Group of the ICTEAM (Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics) of the UCL (Université catholique de Louvain).

Teaching activities

Assistant for the architecture (optimization and real-time programming on RISC/DSP architectures) lecture at ESIEE, he then gave the SQL language lectures of the relational databases management systems course for a master’s degree program proposed by the CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers) at ESCPI (École Supérieure de Conception et de Production Industrielle).

Also IT/network security expert, especially regarding the planning, deployment, supervision and audit of telecommunication networks, he his assistant of Professor Benoît Macq for his communication networks lecture and participated to the Executive Master in ICT Audit & Security proposed by the Solvay Business School.




El Khoury, Karim ; Godelaine, Tiffanie ; Lugan, Sébastien ; Macq, Benoît. Streamlined Hybrid Annotation Framework using Scalable Codestream for Bandwidth-Restricted UAV Object Detection in 2024 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, du 27/10/2024 au 30/10/2024



Delgado, Oscar ; Kechtban, Louai ; Lugan, Sébastien ; Macq, Benoît. Passive and Active Wireless Device Secure Identification in I E E E Access


El Khoury, Karim ; Pellegrin, Pascal ; Descampe, Antonin ; Lugan, Sébastien ; Macq, Benoît. Sensor-aided block matching algorithm for translational motion estimation through a depth map



Lugan, Sébastien ; Desbordes, Paul ; Legay, Axel ; Tormo, Luis Xavier Ramos ; Macq, Benoît. Secure Architectures Implementing Trusted Coalitions for Blockchained Distributed



Athanasopoulos, Georgios ; Lucas, Céline ; Cierro, Alessandro ; Guerit, Robin ; Hagihara, Kaori ; Chatelain, Julie ; Lugan, Sébastien ; Macq, Benoît. King's Speech: Pronounce a Foreign Language with Style in Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts



Lugan, Sébastien. Geometry-based simulations for detection of wake vortices using a pulsed Doppler lidar - Thèse (Dissertation)


Willème, Alexandre ; Descampe, Antonin ; Lugan, Sébastien ; Macq, Benoît. Quality and Error Robustness Assessment of Low-Latency Lightweight Intra-Frame Codecs for Screen Content Compression in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems



Dolfi-Bouteyre, Agnes ; Canat, Guillaume ; Valla, Matthieu ; Augere, Beatrice ; Besson, Claudine ; Goular, Didier ; Lombard, Laurent ; Cariou, Jean-Pierre ; Durecu, Anne ; Fleury, Didier ; et al. Pulsed 1.5 µm LIDAR for Axial Aircraft Wake Vortex Detection Based on High-Brightness Large-Core Fiber Amplifier in IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics


Besson, Claudine ; Valla, Mathieu ; Canat, Guillaume ; Augère, Béatrice ; Fleury, Didier ; Goular, Didier ; Cariou, Jean-Pierre ; Dolfi-Bouteyre, Agnès ; Brousmiche, Sébastien ; Lugan, Sébastien ; et al. Pulsed 1.5 μm LIDAR for axial aircraft wake vortex detection in 15th Coherent Laser Radar Conference (CLRC), Toulouse, France, du 22-06-2009 au 26-06-2009



Douxchamps, Damien ; Lugan, Sébastien ; Verschueren, Yannick ; Mutuel, Laurence ; Macq, Benoît ; Chihara, Kunihiro. On-Board Axial Detection of Wake Vortices using a 2-mu m LiDAR in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems


Lugan, Sébastien ; Bricteux, Laurent ; Macq, Benoît ; Sobieski, Piotr ; Winckelmans, Grégoire ; Douxchamps, D.. Simulation of LIDAR-based aircraft wake vortex detection using a bi-Gaussian spectral model in 2007 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2007, Barcelona, Spain, 23-28 July 2007



Lugan, Sébastien ; Macq, Benoît. Thread-based benchmarking deployment in Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VI, San Jose, CA, USA, 19-22 January 2004