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Nicolas Leblanc

Assistant researcher

Nicolas is a young researcher in the field of signal, image processing and computer vision. He received an Electrical Engineering Master's degree from Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) in 2017. During his master's thesis named "Security code recognition from stolen images", he tries to recover security codes or even text typed on a smartphone, from images stolen with an other smartphone by exploiting reflections in sunglasses or pupils of the victim.

His actual research aims to create module to identify and track many people moving in different rooms or open space and include it inside a multi-agent architecture able to manage a smart Augmented Reality (AR) for group of users. This project named ParkAR involves the AlterFace company and is supported by WALInnov program from Région Wallonne.




Leblanc, Nicolas ; De Vleeschouwer, Christophe ; Standaert, François-Xavier. Reconnaissance de codes de sécurité à partir d'images volées - Mémoire (Thesis)