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Antonin Descampe

Senior Researcher

As an image processing expert, I'm leading and managing research projects related to image and video compression. I'm also working as a standardization expert within JPEG and MPEG Committees, for intoPIX, a spin-off from this lab specialized in image compression and security, which I co-founded in 2006. My main research interests are image and video compression (JPEG 2000, JPEG XS, HEVC), large image remote browsing, content-based image retrieval, and machine learning. I'm also the maintainer of the OpenJPEG project, an open-source ISO reference software for JPEG 2000. As a guest lecturer in the Faculty of Economic, Social, and Political Sciences and Communication (ESPO), I'm giving a course on emerging devices and new technologies (LCOMU2812).




Cougnon, Louise-Amélie ; Descampe, Antonin ; Mentalechta, Lucie ; Ramelot, Justine. Baromètre 2024 des pratiques numériques des opérateurs culturels et médiatiques en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles


Escouflaire, Louis ; Venant, Antoine ; Descampe, Antonin ; Fairon, Cédrick. La subjectivité dans le journalisme québécois et belge : Transfert de connaissances inter-médias et inter-cultures in JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2024, Toulouse, France, du 08/07/2024 au 12/07/2024


Escouflaire, Louis ; Venant, Antoine ; Descampe, Antonin ; Fairon, Cédrick. La subjectivité dans le journalisme québécois et belge : Transfert de connaissances inter-médias et inter-cultures in JADT 2024: 17th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data, Brussels, Belgium, du 25/06/2024 au 27/06/2024



Escouflaire, Louis ; Descampe, Antonin ; Lits, Grégoire ; Fairon, Cédrick. Analyzing the semantic evolution of bias in French news articles using word embeddings in Digital Humanities Benelux 2023, Brussels, Belgium, du 01/06/2023 au 03/06/2023


Rotili, Lavinia ; Descampe, Antonin ; Pignard-Cheynel, Nathalie. Enseigner l'innovation journalistique par la pratique : études de cas belge et suisse in L’avenir de la médiation technologique dans le journalisme et les médias, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, 27/06/2023


Escouflaire, Louis ; Descampe, Antonin ; Fairon, Cédrick. Mapping Subjectivity in Press Discourse: Human vs. Transformer Comprehension of Belgian French Press Articles in New Directions in Analyzing Text as Data 2023, Amherst, Massachusetts, United States of America, du 08/11/2023 au 10/11/2023


Bogaert, Jérémie ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Descampe, Antonin ; Escouflaire, Louis ; Fairon, Cédrick ; Standaert, François-Xavier. Sensibilité des explications à l’aléa des grands modèles de langage : le cas de la classification de textes journalistiques in Traitement Automatique des Langues.


Bogaert, Jérémie ; Escouflaire, Louis ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Descampe, Antonin ; Standaert, François-Xavier ; Fairon, Cédrick. TIPECS : A corpus cleaning method using machine learning and qualitative analysis in International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (JLC), Grenoble, France, du 05/07/2023 au 07/07/2023


Escouflaire, Louis ; Bogaert, Jérémie ; Descampe, Antonin ; Fairon, Cédrick. The RTBF Corpus: a dataset of 750,000 Belgian French news articles published between 2008 and 2021 in International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (JLC), Grenoble, France, du 05/07/2023 au 07/07/2023



Descampe, Antonin. Algorithmes et data: quels enjeux pour le service public audiovisuel ? in Audition dans le cadre du renouvellement du contrat de gestion RTBF, Parlement de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, 25/05/2022


Jacques, Jerry ; Descampe, Antonin ; Claes, Arnaud ; Wiard, Victor. Automated media: key challenges and concepts for reception studies in ECREA 2022 - 9th European Communication Conference, Aarhus, Danemark, du 20/10/2022 au 22/10/2022


Bogaert, Jérémie ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Descampe, Antonin ; Standaert, François-Xavier. Automatic and Manual Detection of Generated News: Case Study, Limitations and Challenges in ICMR '22: International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, Newark NJ USA, du 27/06/2021 au 30/06/2021


Escouflaire, Louis ; Descampe, Antonin ; Fairon, Cédrick. Detecting opinion in news. An automated analysis of linguistic subjectivity in French-language press articles in 4th Biennial Conference of the Brussels Institute for Journalism Studies (BIJU) - A true and fair view, Brussels, Belgium, du 08/12/2022 au 09/12/2022


Bousquet, Franck ; Descampe, Antonin ; El Hajj Mohamed, Intissar ; Escouflaire, Louis ; Marty, Frédéric ; Pignard-Cheynel, Nathalie ; Ratinaud, Pierre ; Sebbah, Brigitte ; Tsimpoukis, Panos. La presse en quête de science : la médiatisation de la science dans Le Monde, Le Soir et Le Temps


Escouflaire, Louis ; Descampe, Antonin ; Fairon, Cédrick. L’évolution de la subjectivité linguistique dans le journalisme web du XXIe siècle : analyse d’un corpus belge francophone d’articles de 2010 à 2021 in JADT 2022 : 16th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data, Naples, Italie, du 06/07/2022 au 08/07/2022


Descampe, Antonin. Machine learning methods to detect subjectivity in the news press: towards a multimodal approach based on text and images in International Symposium - Augmented Images: New Challenges in the Era of Big Data Algorithms and Digital Environments, Liège, Belgium, du 06/10/2022 au 07/10/2022



Descampe, Antonin ; Massart, Clément ; Poelman, Simon ; Standaert, François-Xavier ; Standaert, Olivier. Automated News Recommendation in front of Adversarial Examples & the Technical Limits of Transparency in Algorithmic Accountability in AI & Society. Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication


Descampe, Antonin. Automatisation dans les médias: perspectives de recherche au MiiL in Médias automatisés : quels enjeux pour l’éducation aux médias de demain ? , Université Saint-Louis, 08/09/2021


Richter, Thomas ; Fößel, Siegfried ; Descampe, Antonin ; Rouvroy, Gaël. Bayer CFA pattern compression with JPEG XS in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing


Bogaert, Jérémie ; Carbonnelle, Quentin ; Descampe, Antonin ; Standaert, François-Xavier. Can Fake News Detection be Accountable? The Adversarial Examples Challenge in 41st WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, Online, du 20/05/2021 au 21/05/2021


Descampe, Antonin ; Richter, Thomas ; Ebrahimi, Touradj ; Foessel, Siegfried ; Keinert, Joachim ; Bruylants, Tim ; Pellegrin, Pascal ; Buysschaert, Charles ; Rouvroy, Gael. JPEG XS - A New Standard for Visually Lossless Low-Latency Lightweight Image Coding in Proceedings of the IEEE


Bruylants, Tim ; Descampe, Antonin ; Damman, Christophe ; Richter, Thomas. RFC 9134 RTP Payload Format for ISO/IEC 21122 (JPEG XS)


Descampe, Antonin ; Standaert, François-Xavier. Transparents mais corruptibles : les algorithmes au défi des comportements « adversariaux » dans le domaine journalistique in Les Cahiers du journalisme - Recherches



Willeme, Alexander ; Descampe, Antonin ; Rouvroy, Gaël ; Pellegrin, Pascal ; Macq, Benoît. Motion compensation reference frame compression


El Khoury, Karim ; Pellegrin, Pascal ; Descampe, Antonin ; Lugan, Sébastien ; Macq, Benoît. Sensor-aided block matching algorithm for translational motion estimation through a depth map



Richter, Thomas ; Keinert, Joachim ; Descampe, Antonin ; Rouvroy, Gael. Entropy Coding and Entropy Coding Improvements of JPEG XS in 2018 Data Compression Conference (DCC), Snowbird, UT, du 27/3/2018 au 30/3/2018


Richter, Thomas ; Descampe, Antonin ; Keinert, Joachim ; Rouvroy, Gael. Entropy coding, profiles, and levels of JPEG XS in Applications of Digital Image Processing XLI, San Diego, United States, du 19/8/2018 au 23/8/2018


Richter, Thomas ; Keinert, Joachim ; Foessel, Siegfried ; Descampe, Antonin ; Rouvroy, Gael ; Lorent, Jean-Baptiste. JPEG-XS—A High-Quality Mezzanine Image Codec for Video Over IP in SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal


Mahmoudpour, Saeed ; Viola, Irene ; Fliegel, Karel ; Pospisil, Jakub ; Ebrahimi, Touradj ; Descampe, Antonin ; Schelkens, Peter ; Macq, Benoît ; Willème, Alexandre. Overview of the JPEG XS core coding system subjective evaluations in Applications of Digital Image Processing XLI, San Diego, United States, du 19/8/2018 au 23/8/2018


Willème, Alexandre ; Macq, Benoît ; Descampe, Antonin ; Gaël Rouvroy. Power-Aware HEVC Compression Through Asymmetric JPEG XS Frame Buffer Compression in 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Athens, Greece, du 07/10/2018 au 10/10/2018



Descampe, Antonin ; Keinert, Joachim ; Richter, Thomas ; Fößel, Siegfried ; Rouvroy, Gaël. JPEG XS, a new standard for visually lossless low-latency lightweight image compression in Applications of Digital Image Processing XL, San Diego, United States, du 6/8/2017 au 10/8/2017


Willème, Alexandre ; Descampe, Antonin ; Rouvroy, Gaël ; Pellegrin, Pascal ; Macq, Benoît. JPEG XS-based frame buffer compression inside HEVC for power-aware video compression in Applications of Digital Image Processing XL SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, San Diego, California, USA, du 19/08/2018 au 23/08/2018


Richter, Thomas ; Keinert, Joachim ; Descampe, Antonin ; Rouvroy, Gaël ; Willème, Alexandre. Multi-generation-robust Coding with JPEG XS in IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM) 2017, Taichung, Taiwan, du 11/12/2017 au 13/12/2017



Richter, Thomas ; Fößel, Siegfried ; Keinert, Joachim ; Descampe, Antonin. High speed, low-complexity image coding for IP-transport with JPEG XS in SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, San Diego, California, United States


Willème, Alexandre ; Descampe, Antonin ; Lugan, Sébastien ; Macq, Benoît. Quality and Error Robustness Assessment of Low-Latency Lightweight Intra-Frame Codecs for Screen Content Compression in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems



Goossens, Samuel ; Descampe, Antonin ; Orban de Xivry, Jonathan ; Lee, John Aldo ; Delor, Antoine ; Janssens, Guillaume ; Geets, Xavier. Impact of motion induced artifacts on automatic registration of lung tumors in Tomotherapy in Physica Medica



Gallego Ortiz, Nicolas ; Orban de Xivry, Jonathan ; Descampe, Antonin ; Goossens, Samuel ; Geets, Xavier ; Janssens, Guillaume ; Macq, Benoît. Respiratory motion variations from skin surface on lung cancer patients from 4D CT data in Progress in Biomedical Optics and ImagingSPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, California, USA, du 15/02/2014 au 20/02/2014



Savinaud, Mickael ; Malaterre, Mathieu ; Malik, Julien ; Grizonnet, Manuel ; Michel, Julien ; Descampe, Antonin. Open JPEG A Free And Open-Source Solution To Access To The New JPEG2000 Geospatial Products in ESA Special PublicationESA Living Planet Symposium



Descampe, Antonin ; De Vleeschouwer, Christophe ; Vandergheynst, Pierre ; Macq, Benoît. Scalable Feature Extraction for Coarse-to-Fine JPEG2000 Image Classification in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing



Descampe, Antonin ; De Vleeschouwer, Christophe ; Jacques, Laurent ; Marques, Ferran. "How does digital cinema compress images?"



Descampe, Antonin. Seamless remote browsing and coarse-to-fine compressed retrieval using a scalable image representation - Thèse (Dissertation)



Descampe, Antonin ; De Vleeschouwer, Christophe ; Iregui, Marcela ; Macq, Benoît ; Marques, Ferran. Prefetching and caching strategies for remote and interactive browsing of JPEG2000 images in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing



Descampe, Antonin ; Devaux, Francois-Olivier ; Rouvroy, Gael ; Legat, Jean-Didier ; Quisquater, Jean-Jacques ; Macq, Benoît. A flexible hardware JPEG 2000 decoder for digital cinema in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology


Descampe, Antonin ; Vandergheynst, Pierre ; De Vleeschouwer, Christophe ; Macq, Benoît. Coarse-to-fine textures retrieval in the JPEG 2000 compressed domain for fast browsing of large image databases in International Workshop on Multimedia Content Representation, Classification and Security (MRCS 2006), Istanbul(Turkey), Sep 11-13, 2006


Descampe, Antonin ; De Vleeschouwer, Christophe ; Iregui, Marcela ; Macq, Benoît ; Marques, Ferran. Pre-fetching strategies for remote and interactive browsing of JPEG2000 images in International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),, Atlanta, USA, 08-11/10/2006



Descampe, Antonin ; Macq, Benoît ; Rouvroy, Gaël. A High-Throughput, Pipelined Architecture for the JPEG 2000 MQ Decoder


Descampe, Antonin ; Macq, Benoît ; Chevalier, Philippe ; Ou, Jihong. Data prefetching for smooth navigation of large scale jpeg 2000 images in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME'05), Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 07-10/07/2005


Descampe, Antonin. Flexible Representations of Large Image Data Spaces: from Implementations to Applications



Descampe, Antonin ; Devaux, François Olivier. A Flexible, Line-based, JPEG 2000 Decoder for Digital Cinema in 12th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON-2004),, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2004


Descampe, Antonin ; Devaux, François Olivier ; Rouvroy, Gaël ; Macq, Benoît ; Legat, Jean-Didier. An efficient FPGA Implementation of a flexible JPEG2000 Decoder for Digital Cinema in EUSIPCO 2004 - Eurasip 2004 European Signal Processing Conference, Vienna, Austria, September 6-10 2004